Walkthroughs & Resources
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Please ensure that every patient is asked and checked for all symptoms. Do check (especially with severe and contagious diseases) if that patient is not to be misdiagnosed. If possible get a second opinion from a doctor or ask a specialist about it. If no specialist is available, send them a telegram with all information that you collected and also make sure to have a second doctor diagnose the same way. Misdiagnosis can lead to a patient’s death or psychological trauma, which we want to prevent. Senior and Head doctors are also capable of giving a good second opinion if need be.
- Fever (this is sometimes the only sign of an infection)
- Yellowish tinted liquid, pus, bad smelling
- Check under armpit/jaw (lymph node) for swelling
- Redness, soreness, or swelling in any area, including surgical wounds
- Chills and sweats
- New onset of pain
- Gangrene (a type of tissue death caused by a lack of blood supply & needs amputation)
- Make sure the infection hasn’t spread throughout the body
- Make sure the wounds haven’t gone Gangrene
- Clean the infectious area with carbolic acid
- Rinse the wound with saline
- Apply maggots on the wound to remove the necrotic flesh
- Remove maggots and clean the area once more with the mixture
- Apply a layer of herbal salve on the area and bandage
- Repeat procedure twice a day, until healing process is visible [scabbing]
Early septicemia symptoms are:
- High fever
- Chills
- Weakness
- Sweating
- Drop in blood pressure
This indicates that the Infection may have already spread into the bloodstream and often goes along with a very heavy infection.
Serum therapy
- local injections of animal blood into infected tissue via syringe
- animal blood is used, because it is more resistant
- use deer blood if possible. Otherwise, any non-meat eater
Blood letting
DO NOT do this with any hemophiliacs
- clean injection area
- clean needle
- tourniquet arm above injection area
- insert IV-needle with tubing into the arm
- drain into bucket
Leech therapy
DO NOT do this with any hemophiliacs as a leech bite tends to bleed even minutes after removal
- clean the wound
- apply leeches around the area
- leeches will pierce into patients skin with tiny teeth
- leeches insert anticoagulants through their saliva
- leeches take out the bad blood
- remove leeches when done [usually after 20 to 45 min] (5 to 10 min ic)
- leeches will fall off / detach themselves after they are “full”
Johann Schonlein coined the term “Tuberculosis” in 1834, though it is estimated that Mycobacterium tuberculosis may have been around as long as 3 million years.
It is estimated that one-fourth of all people to die in the Americas in 1850 died of TB or prevalent symptoms accompanying.
Tuberculosis is caused by the spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, spread through water droplets such as blood, mucus, sweat, and saliva.
Coughing, sneezing, spitting, laughing, and singing are the easiest spreadable ways to transmit to another unaffected being.
- A cough lasting two weeks
- Coughing of blood
- Coughing up phlegm
- Chest pain
- Weakness or tiredness (fatigue)
- Weight loss
- A lack of appetite
- Chills, aches, and shakes
- Fever
- Night sweats
- Swelling around glands on the neck
- Prescribe a blue mask
- Turpentine – inhaled vapors
- Belladonna Inhalation
- Recommend patients to seek a dry arid climate or somewhere with a high altitude such as mountain ranges.
Follow a strict diet:
- Three healthy meals per day (goulash, soup, meat, vegetables)
- A glass of milk every four hours
- Tea (herbal tea, mint tea) every couple hours.
Exercise as much as possible outside:
- Spend time reading outside
- As much fresh air as possible
- Go on walks
- Increase exercise until possible to do it 8 to 10 hrs a day
Scarlet Fever
Scarlet Fever is a bacterial illness that mainly affects children. It causes a distinctive pink-red rash. The illness is caused by Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria, also known as Group A Streptococcus, which are found on the skin and in the throat.
- Very red, sore throat
- Fever (101 °F or higher)
- Whitish coating on the tongue and throat early in the illness
- “Strawberry” (red and bumpy) tongue (After a few days)
- Red skin rash that has a dry feel (appears shortly after fever – “sunburn with pimples“ look-alike)
- Skin rash will begin to peel roughly after the first week of contamination
- Bright red skin in the creases of the underarm, elbow, and neck
- Swollen glands in the neck and armpit
- Minor loss of appetite/ minor to mild weight loss
- Night sweats
- Headache or body aches
- Nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
- Person to Person
- Clothing/Objects that are contaminated
- Spit, Talking, coughing
- Belladonna extract inhalation – for tightness/congestion of the chest region. (Heat a pot of the liquid over a fire until boiled – seal the pot with a lid and open it to allow pt to inhale until lightheaded)
- Peppermint – will assist in pain relief with coughing to be mixed with tea or rubbed around the nasal passage/chest.
- Ginger – to ease the dry coughing fits. (Optimal to mix with Honey)
- Bay leaf – will ease some inflammation in the chest, mixed with foods.
- Garlic – will help strengthen the respiratory system, to be mixed with food.
- Honey – a teaspoon of this before bed and upon waking up to assist with coughing and sore throats. More liquidized versions are to be used. Mixable with coffee/teas.
Note: Try crushing a bunch of basil leaves and get their juice extracts. Then rinse thoroughly and peel a piece of ginger before crushing it well. Then boil some mint leaves and leave them aside. Then boil 1 cup of water and steep the washed mint leaves within about ten minutes. Add 1 tsp. of unadulterated apple cider vinegar. Mix it in 1 glass of lukewarm water and add 1 tbsp. of honey. Take daily for about 1-2 weeks.
Home remedies:
- Provide adequate fluids and rest to the patient for at least two weeks
- Gargling with lukewarm water and salt
- Humidify the air (boiling water)
- Maintaining a soft and healthy diet
- Avoiding smoke exposure
Cholera is a bacterial disease usually spread through contaminated water. Left untreated, cholera can be fatal within hours, even in previously healthy people.
Symptoms began after a few hours or as long as five days after the infection. Not every infected Person will get those symptoms, even though they can still easily spread the infection itself.
- Severe watery diarrhea accompanied by vomiting
- In general heavy fluid loss
- Dehydration due to the loss of fluids
- Rapid heart rate
- Loss of skin elasticity (pinching the forehead and skin not returning to its original position)
- Dry mucous membranes, including the inside of the mouth, throat, nose, and eyelids
- Low blood pressure
- Thirst
- Muscle cramps
- Also shock and death within a few hours
Since the severity is not because of the disease itself but of the dehydration it brings, the treatment of this disease is to treat the dehydration. Dehydration can be categorized into 3 categories. To treat dehydration, one has to know the symptoms of the severity of dehydration. They will go as followed:
Light and mild dehydration
Signs (no danger signs and at least TWO of the following):
- Irritable or restless
- Sunken eyes & Rapid Pulse
- Thirsty (drinking eagerly) & Skin pinch goes back slowly
Treatment of light to mild dehydration:
- Provide clean water, broth, and/or other fluids
- If possible, administer an IV (mostly for mild dehydration)
Severe Dehydration
Signs (one or more danger signs):
- Lethargic or unconscious
- Absent or weak pulse
- Respiratory distress
Or at least TWO of the following:
- Sunken eyes
- Not able to drink or drinks poorly
- Skin pinch goes back very slowly/stays up too long
- Patients should receive intravenous (IV) rehydration if available
- If the patient is strong enough to drink, give broth, clean water, other fluids/warm meals
- Results from bacterial, or parasitic infections
- Spread rapidly in unsanitary conditions where food and water are contaminated by human waste
- After entering orally
- Through ingestion of contaminated food or water
- Oral contact with contaminated objects or hands
- Damage to the intestinal linings, leading to the inflammatory immune responses
- Higher temperature/fever
- Painful spasms of the intestinal muscles (cramping)
- Swelling due to fluid leaking from capillaries of the intestine (edema)
- Bloody or mucousy diarrhea
- Stomach cramps, pain, nausea, vomiting
- Dehydration
- Mouth, skin, and lips may appear dry
- Lower abdominal tenderness
Standard fever treatments:
- Bloodletting
- Blistering
- Ingesting lead salts and emetics (to cause vomiting)
Influenza (aka. Flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death.
- Headache
- Fever (usually high)
- (Extreme) tiredness (fatigue)
- Joint aches
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Sore throat/aches
- Coughing
- Vomiting (usually children)
- Through contact with contaminated objects
- Through coughs, sneezes, or talks (droplets)
- The normal treatment for cold as well as herbal remedies
- Healthy diet
- Hydration through tea, water, soup, broth
- Vapor
- Compress for fever, as well as aspirin powder
- Herbal mixtures
- Isolation for at least one or two weeks
- Mask
Everyone that once came in contact with this disease and got sick is immune to it from there on. (William Heberden -1767)
Children and adults can catch them. Please be careful, adults experience much more severe symptoms.
- Fever
- Fatigue, Headache
- Body aches
- Loss of appetite
- Dizziness, disorientation, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath
- Rash in three different forms with severe itching
- Raised pink or red bumps, which break out over several days
- Small fluid-filled blisters, which form in about one day and then break and leak
- Crusts and scabs, which cover the broken blisters and take several more days to heal
- Infection of the skin, soft tissue, bones, joints, or bloodstream
- Dehydration
- Pneumonia
- Death
Relieve itching:
- A cool bath with added baking Soda, uncooked oatmeal
- Aloe Gel for the whole body
- For open areas use herbal salve with a higher potency of aloe
Prevent skin infection:
- Herbal salve
- Keep fingernails trimmed short
- High hygiene
General helpers:
- Provide fluids (broth, tea, etc) or in severe cases, IV
- Fever treatment (Phenacetin?)
- Calm the stomach
Smallpox is a serious infectious & contagious disease caused by the variola virus. People who have smallpox have a fever and a distinctive, progressive skin rash.
Most people with smallpox recover, but about 3 out of every 10 people with the disease died. Many smallpox survivors have permanent scars over large areas of their body, especially their faces. Some are left blind.
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Ulcers in the mouth
- Skin rash
- Over a number of days, the skin rash turns into characteristic fluid-filled blisters with a dent in the center
- Bumps then scab over and fall off → Scars
- Between people (contact)
- Contaminated objects
The first method for controlling smallpox was variolation (or inoculation), a process named after the virus that causes smallpox (variola virus).
People who had never had smallpox were exposed to material from smallpox sores (pustules) by scratching the material into their arm or inhaling it through the nose. People usually developed symptoms associated with smallpox, like a fever and a rash. However, fewer people would die from variolation than if they had acquired smallpox naturally.
In 1796 Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids who had gotten cowpox were protected from smallpox. Jenner knew about variolation as well and guessed that exposure to cowpox could be used to protect against smallpox. Testing his theory, Jenner used material from a cowpox sore on milkmaid Sarah Nelmes hand and inoculated it into the arm of James Phipps, the 9-year-old son of Jenner’s gardener. Months later, Jenner exposed Phipps several times to variola virus (smallpox), but that child never developed smallpox.
- Clean the injection site with saline & a cotton piece for 5 seconds
- Use a two-pronged (bifurcated) needle and dip it into the vaccine
- Superficially prick the skin a number of times in a few seconds
- Clean injection site with saline
- 3-4 Days after: red & itchy lesion develops at the vaccine site
- First week: lesion becomes a large blister, fills with pus, and begins to drain.
- Second week, the lesion begins to dry and a scab forms.
- Third week: Scab falls off, leaving a small scar
Francis Home, a Scottish physician, demonstrated in 1757 that measles is caused by an infectious agent in the blood of patients.
Measles is a very infectious disease,” warned Dr. John Dewar in an 1890 book written for mothers and titled What Ails The Baby? “If a child is only taken into a room for a very short time, where another child is suffering from measles, it is almost certain to take it.”The 1898 map, second below, shows a pattern of measles deaths that are strikingly aligned with the course of the Mississippi River, illustrating how the transmission could have been aided by river travel.
Patients who survive a case of measles retain immunity to it for life.
The virus is extremely contagious.
Every child ill with Measles ought at once to be put to bed and kept warm. The mildest cases may be made serious by a chill. Measles is, for this reason, most dangerous in winter and spring.
- Fever/fatigue
- Cough / dry cough
- Red eyes, irritated eyes, swollen eyes (also puss coming out of them – infection)
- Runny nose
- No hunger/loss of appetite
- Sensitivity to light
- Red-brown rash
- Body aches
- Reduce fever
- Either medication: phenacetin
- Or home remedies: tea, cold and hot wraps around the leg, etc.
- Reduce cough
- Belladonna extract and iodine vapor
- Good hydration with adequate fluids
- Pain relievers